Hey there Blog! It's Vicente again
I wanted to share a bit about what I recently finished for my class. It was a video project named "One Word Film" a little overview about this project, is basically our teacher made us pair up with anyone in class. I choose my friend David since I already knew him and he's pretty fun to work with. Anyway the project consisted of our teacher assigning us a "word" out of her list, with this word we had to make a silent video project that had to reflect or be the theme of the word we had, it had to include a variety of shots and angles to make it a really good project. But one important factor was we couldn't use any sound in the project, only music if we wanted to.
Firstly, we had to brainstorm, we had the word "serious" and honestly we were a bit lost on what to do for it since it's kind of a complicated word to use for a video. But we came up with the idea of having this guy getting ready for a interview, and he's pretty serious through the film barely showing any other sign than determination for this interview.
We also had to create a story board, we weren't that good creating it since it was a bit hard to describe but it really helped us set up our shots and everything else to put in order. It was basically the whole canvas for our project.
Also I've had some past experience with editing due to a CBTV class I took freshman year so it wasn't so hard, and I went with the program I know the most about, which is Adobe Premier Pro. Which was pretty easy to use and it didn't take too long to get used to again and finish my project.I think we took some good shots overall, I really liked the outcome of the project and how it turned out. Maybe it might be a bit too boring due to no music that I added because I couldn't find anything that would suit it's "serious" theme as it is quite hard to find music as such. I think I could have improved some of the shots and the camera movements as it might seem a bit too stiff at times, and maybe could of made the story clearer.
Thank you for reading my new blog post! If you want the link to see my project I'll leave it here for anyone to read if they want, hope you guys like it!