Hey there blog! Haven't written here in a while, so sorry for that. Lately I have been pretty busy with things such as work, and school so my mind has been going everywhere. Let me just update you on what we are currently working on.
For our AICE Media Class, we are currently starting our Portfolio project! It's a really, reallyyyy big project that we have to work on from around this time all the way to March or so. There are various parts to our project, for one part we have to create an opening film, as an example a sort of "trailer" or opening for a movie that is a maximum of 2 minutes, that we have to produce all of it originally and we have to be very careful of copyright and things as such. We can obviously take inspiration from other pieces of film, but we cannot copy them. I have a small idea of what I currently want to do, and I personally love cooking films, shows, etc. So, I might take inspiration from some from movies such as Burnt, and The Menu.
As well as the video comes these blogs! I have to fit a certain amount of them in a period of time, so that I can update you guys on what we are doing and how far we have gotten so far. And to finish we also have to create a creative critical reflection, which we will reflect upon our work with the use of various formats and commentaries, etc. We have to be very creative as stated by the name, when judging our own project.
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