Hey blog, hope you're having a good week! For this blog post I have to do research about our second question of our CCR, which the question is:
How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
My answers to this question will be in the response as CCR 1, combining both both but I'll make it clear as to which question is which so that there is no confusion! My product of my film basically engages with anything that is related to cooking, it is a sort of heartfelt film that will not only target a culinary audience, but also a broad audience of feelings that mostly everyone that has felt failure goes through. Since the film is based on the broad emotions when one feels with failure, on a culinary basis but it relates mainly to failure in one's trying, meaning that my film connects deeply with one's feeling, as its normal human nature to feel failure, and overcoming it. Now as for why it would be distributed as a real media text? Due to the feeling of failure being a thing innate in every human being, I don't think there is anyone who hasn't experienced it, it's a feeling that has been here from the first beginnings of mankind. So depicting a failure, turning into a success is something that may appeal towards someone that is feeling failure at the moment.
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